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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

There were no elves at Helm's Deep!

That's what my father yelled out when he, my sister and I went to see The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers many years ago.  My dad was such a Tolkien purist that the entire battle at Helm's Deep was completely ruined for him due to the presence of the elves.  Sure, it was a nice little dramatic flair that Peter Jackson added to the movie, uniting elves and men once again, but come on, this doesn't happen in the book at all.

I never told my dad that footage was actually taken where Arwen was at Helm's Deep as well to aid in the battle, but I figured that news might kill him.  I don't need that on my hands.

Anyway, I perused the official website of the two Hobbit films that start shooting in a few days, and suffice to say, my dad is going to blow his lid.  Those of us who have read the book before know that Frodo, Galadriel, Saruman, or Legolas never appear or are even MENTIONED in the book.  Yet, Elijah Wood, Cate Blanchett, Christopher Lee and Orlando Bloom are all on board to shoot the film.

Now please excuse me, as I have to give artificial respiration to my father.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Weddings Are Hard

I just checked my blog and realized that I haven't made a post since December 7th.  That's Pearl Harbor Day, in case you were wondering.  Maybe put that in your diary tonight.

I was really busy the last two months getting married.  While everything at the wedding and everything since then has been amazing, I have to say that weddings are hard.  It's seriously a lot of work and stuff.  I knew this lady who had been married 6 times.  6 freaking times!  How do you do that?! 

I mean, just after 1 wedding I'm totally convinced that I am set for life.  I am not going to do this again.  How in the high holy hell do you get in the mindset that you think, "Wow, that first wedding was so fun!  Let me dump this dude and crank out 5 more!"

That type of commitment I just cannot fathom.